Mamarazzi's Ranting
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Labels: places visited-sights
Ah Ma Come to Visit
Yesterday was a happy day for me. Ah Ma came for a visit and will be staying in KL for a whole week. Yay! I can talk talk talk to Ah Ma. Show her my bear bear and toy toy.Papa drove Mama and me to airport to fetch Ah Ma. Aiyo! we haven't arrive, the plane landed. Plane fly so fast.
After we fetch Ah Ma, we went to eat Roti Canai and thosai at Salmah. Wah! I saw many of my "friends" there...kekeke...At night we went to visit my Pek Pek's family. Ah Ma will be staying with Pek Pek for a few days before coming to play with me. That is my "Em Em" with my cousins. My Em Em bought me some new "baju".
These two pretty girls are my cousins, Lyna and Lisa. Though I can't tell who is who as they are identical twins.They loves to play with me. Another cousin is not here as she was in her room. Her name is Kimberly.
Then we all went to have dinner at a restaurant nearby. Koh Poh Tian and "grand uncle" Mok were there also. I heard they ordered many dishes.
This restaurant has a very nice view. There are many fan on top of the ceiling. Turning turning turning turning eyes getting heavy...turning...turning.....turning....
The next thing I know was that I woke up in my pajama...Uiks! where are everyone? Where is Ah Ma?????
Labels: Joshua's antics
In the baby car seat again. This time we are going grocery shopping at a hypermarket nearby.
Arrive there, looking for parking. What a dissapointment. Parking for Family with Baby which are right in front of the hypermarket were occupied by company selling car. Papa had find parking further away.
Uh...I feel sooooo insecure. The "seat belt" are broken.Most of the seat belt of the carts are broken. Alo! taukeh..tolong fixed it boleh ka?

Sooooooo many toy toy here. Saw rubber duckie but Mama didnt buy for me to play in my bathtub...
Yawn! Shopping is really tiring oh.
Labels: Places visited-shops/stalls
A Day Out

Beef Teppanyaki
I don't know how the food taste like coz while waiting for it to come, I fell asleep. Nice to sleep. Cool air-cond and soft music playing. My eyes just won't stay open. I had so wanted to try the taste of Fuji Snow.
When I open my eyes next. OoOoOooooo.... so many lenglui and some not so lenglui around. Lenglui here are much different from those at my Ah Ma and Ah Kong's place.
My eyes also juling from looking at all the lenglui.
Omigosh! some of them wear so skimpy. It's not my fault that I saw some things that I am not supposed to see. The pram is low and they happen to walk by my line of vision...kekeke
Then, it's time to go home. Mama said she is hungry. Want to eat Rojak Buah. Yummy! I love Rojak Buah. When I was in Mama tummy, we used to go to Damansara Jaya to buy Rojak Buah from an uncle who operate the business from a motorcycle.This Rojak Buah is located next to Atria. I think this Uncle is quite famous for his Rojak Buah. Saw some newspaper clippings paste on the side of the glass. (Note to Aunty Beetle: Remember to try this Rojak when you go for Big Bookshop Slae at Atria)
Delicious Rojak with lotsa things inside. There are Pineapple, Papaya, Sengkuang, Manggo, Kangkung, Taugeh and Keropok.
I was napping when Papa buy the Rojak.
And to all the kids out there, remember to wear your seat belt (like me) when you are in the car. Mama always help me to wear my seat belt. Seat belt can prevent..blah blah blah case of a collision..blah blah blah... Ini adalah peringatan keselamatan dari Kementerian.....

Ahem, sorry. Got off track for a moment. Well, back to the story.

I can say "good" but I can't pronounce "morning". Thus, my "Good Morning" become "Good O Wei". Mama says I am not saying "Good O Wei" but is saying "Good Ow ling"(Good vomit milk). Coz when I shout "wei", milk milk will come out. Guess I am pressing against my tumtum when I say "Wei". Thus, Mama name me "Vomit King". And whoever carry me after my meal will be bless by my holy milk. Muhahahaha. Now I am learning to say "Good Nite"
This morning Mama received a message from Aunty Florence. She saw this blog. Says I am very photogenic and have great pose. Should send for baby contest. What do you think? Just too bad Mama lousy camera phone doesn't take my photos clear enough. Most photos after they are enlarged turns out blur.
Oh ya..Aunty Beetle says that there will be another PLB sale this 23-25 May at the Millennium Square and 6-8 June at YMCA. I wonder I'll be meeting Koh Koh Jon again? Koh Koh Jon likes to play with me. Hmm...maybe I can bake him a moldy cheese cake or bless him with my holy milk *evil grin*.
Labels: Joshua's antics
Hungry! Hungry! Hungry! these few days I've been feeling very hungry. I drink and drink and drink and yet still feel hungry. Mama says my face and tum tum so "bulat".
Got ah? I can still see my feet. My tum tum is not that "bulat" if I can still see my feet..kekeke..ahgooooooo
Labels: Joshua's antics
I wanna sing, I wanna dance
Uiks! P.Ramlee song. Not enough musical instruments. Let me add the sound of my rattler.
On second thought..away with it! I wanna sing, I wanna me sing and dance a jingle.
Labels: Joshua's antics
Happy Birthday!
What is that thing Mama holding? Camera phone again?Mama is taking my naked photo again. When I grow up must charge Mama for modelling fees.
Well, I would like to take this chance to wish Aunty Enny a very Happy Birthday today. May you stay happy, healthy and beautiful aways. Ahem...where is my piece of birthday cake ah? Or you are waiting for me to bake Cheese Cake for you, Aunty Enny?..kekeke.
Labels: Joshua's antics
It has been in there for a week. What has Mama been eating ah? My Sxxx refused to come out for so long. Hmm..feels gooooooood after it comes out...
Labels: Joshua's antics
Manggo "Jeruk"
Hahahaha ...hohohoho..hahaha..hohoho..
Yummy..yummy...sedap hingga menjilat jari..
Labels: food-home cooked/experiment