Huh?? Mamarazzi buying so many Lime? What is Mamarazzi planning to do with that?
Mamarazzi's Ranting
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I am SPIDER BOY the car window washer! My hands and Feet can stick on any surface.
Labels: Joshua's antics
Little Doggy On The Loose

Papa, Papa...
Labels: Joshua's antics
Starbuck at Subang Airport
Last Saturday morning we went to Subang Airport to meet Kong-Kong and Mah Mah. Wow! the airport look so nice already and many shops had opened there. Saw Starbuck. Papa said to wait at Starbuck.I told Papa I wanted the Breakfast Set coz I've not eaten anything before coming out.
"Starbuck breakfast pairing Menu" is surprisingly cheap at RM6-50.... or is it RM6-90? Mamarazzi said she forgot the exact price. The kor Kor there said they ran out of the sandwich so he offerred us a choice from 6 other types of breads and buns. Choose any one as long as the price is lower than RM4-80. Mamarazzi choose Chicken Roll for me. Mamarazzi drank the coffee while I ate some of the bun and left half for Mah Mah and Kong Kong to taste. MMMmmm...yummy.
Labels: food-cafe
Chu Chap Chook?
Arr...porridge again???? Everyday porridge. But then Kaw Poh penat-penat went and buy for me to eat. Must give face and try.
Labels: Food-Restaurant
One of my latest interest is dancing. Dancing the "Tarian Gamelan" . Mamarazzi and me saw a show last Sunday featuring the Tarian Gamelan. Since that day, I've been practicing. Saw the girls there moving their feet in small steps. Goyang left, goyang right, going backwards, turning around and then sat down while moving their body. Look at this vidoe that Mamarazzi made of me dancing. I've have talent, don't I?
Labels: Joshua's antics
I am not FAT
Huh huh huh I've reached 11kg(+diaper) liao! I am not FAT. I am just bone heavy. Hehehehe...there is a difference, you know.
Labels: Joshua's antics

Oh...Relaxing Bath ! Just nice for Mamarazzi after chasing me around the house
Labels: Special Occassion
Hide & Seek With Papa
Yesterday morning, Papa play hide and seek with me. I woke up, Papa not in the room to greet me "Good Morning, Joshua boy". Thus, I went to every part of the house looking for Papa. I even pull open the drawers to see if Papa was hiding inside. Where did Papa hide ah? I can't find him.
Labels: Joshua's antics
Restaurant Viccuda, Kota Damansara
Quite a long time haven't been to this restaurant. Wonder whether the food quality is the same.
Nasi Goreng Ikan Masin
Accompany by the Sambal...uh...simply heavenly. Yup...the food here still taste very good!
Labels: Food-Restaurant