Mamarazzi's Ranting
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February 2019 Wrap Up-Birthdays Month
Sweep sweep mop mop clean clean... Birthdays Birthdays and Birthdays....
Celebrated my birthday early at tuition center with my friends.
I wanted a FORTNITE cake but the cake house dunno how to make for Ice Cream Cake. So in the end Mamarazzi just told them to write the word Fortnite on a piece of Chocolate. She also prepared a layered jelly for me. It looks like a cake.
Some of the food prepared ....wah.... too much food too much food... teacher said keep the Jelly for next day teatime la.
The next day was Papa's birthday and I treated him to Arab and Syrian Cuisine at Mozer's Bukit Jelutong.
Then got stuck on horrible Friday traffic jam... how ah? detour to have a piece of cake la. Treated Papa with a piece of cake and of course I also ordered one for myself too.
Next morning woke up super-duper early. It's my actual birthday and coincidentally it's KIDZANIA's 7th birthday too. I received a free ticket from Kidzania KL. See the special button? Birthday boys and girls gets to wear that. Everywhere I go, the staff wish me a Happy Birthday.
Now expert already. Immediately went to McDonald to work and got a Happy Meal. Yea... Mamarazzi too stingy to buy food there. Hey! now the happy meal comes with fries!. Previous, they only give burger.
After settling my meal, I got started with "jobs" hunting.
Then around noon, the "PARTY" started. This year celebration seems to be a bit "quiet". Got two cupcakes. One for Mamarazzi and one for myself.
Halfway "playing", we bump into a friend and his mom. And off I went with my friend while Mamarazzi and his mom went to the Parent Lounge to rest. On and off we went and check in with moms.
We play till closing time. Earned a lot of Kidzo(Kidzania currency). But I didn't see anything that I want to buy. So gave out most of the Kidzo to others.
When playing I didn't feel hungry at all. Mamarazzi kept asking me to drink water. Drink drink drink but don't feel like going to the washroom at all.
But after playing.... I was FAMISH(yeah...with capital letters and all). Papa treated me to Sushi Mentai.I ate more than 10 plates of sushi. YUMMY!!!
Zonked out during the journey home. This year birthday have been GREAT.
Restaurant Tarbush and Mega Lanes, Sunway Pyramid
Today we went for makan-makan with Mamarazzi's friends. We went to Restaurant Tarbush at Sunway Pyramid. It's a restaurant that serve middle eastern food. The restaurant is located at a rather secluded area at Marrakesh side. The good thing is that the place is pretty quiet. Good venue to makan-makan and chit-chat.
Mamarazzi ordered Mandy Rice with Lamb for me but I only wanted the Lamb
I like the most is Tarbush Mix Grill which consist of Shish Kebab, Shish kebab, Lamb cubes, fries, grilled prawns and grilled arayes. No idea what is arayes so they went and google it.'s pita bread stuffed with minced lamb meat.
Second was this. Forgotten the name but I love the chicken kebab. Yum yum...
Mamarazzi and one of her friend like this . If not mistaken it's called Mazze II which consist of hommus, mutabal, arabic salda, tabouleh, falafel and kibbeh. Stuff into the bread and eat. Very appetising.
Of course we didn't eat these by ourselves lah.. we shared. Each gets a taste of everything.
Portion wise is okay la. Price wise is a bit higher than some of the middle eastern restaurant that we have been to but we must also consider the rental there. Taste wise, the food was good.
This yummy Chocolate steamed cake also very yummy too. Very chocolaty and not too sweet. But you can't get it at Tarbush. It's made by one of Mamarazzi's friend.
Supposed to go bowling after the brunch but then something came up. They went back instead but we went searching for the bowling alley.
It's my first time going bowling.
Saw Mamarazzi went to the counter to check out the price. Wow... she super long time have not bowled. Now price for a game is RM13/person. Shoe rental RM3 and socks RM3. Lucky I was wearing socks . So no need to buy socks. Need to deposit a shoe with them before they give us a pair of bowling shoe.
Off we went looking for the bowling ball that ngum(suit) our weight. Wahhhhh... 6kg is min there.
After helping Mega Lanes to "Clear the drain", (It's a joke that means the ball fell into the "drain" at either sides of the lane.), I finally managed to hit a few pins. Okay la..not that bad la.
After bowling, we went jalan-jalan a bit. Saw Starbucks. I immediately went in and check whether they have used coffee ground . Need it for the garden. Guess what! they gave me one whole bag full of used coffee ground. Think they said it's a week worth of coffee ground. Don't know how many kg but it's sure heavy.
Ditch it in the car and Jalan-jalan cari makan some more. This time... sushi. Yum yum... Then it's time to go home.
The Undone Years by Shamini Flint
Summary as per
On a rubber plantation in Malaya, on the eve of the Second World War, three teenagers enjoy their last summer of freedom and innocence. Matthew is the son of the English planter who runs the estate and his best friend, Rajan, is the son of his father's clerk - but despite their parents' disapproval of their friendship, they feel like equals. When beautiful, strong-willed Mei Ling arrives, both boys' heads are turned. But before any romance can blossom, the Japanese invade.
Against a backdrop of the fall of Singapore, the communist insurgency and the eventual Japanese surrender, The Undone Years is a very human story of love and betrayal in a time of war
My Comments :
Have you ever read a book that is both complicated and yet simple? I think some of you would have encounter this feeling too if you are a passionate reader.
This is one of those complicated and yet simple.
I have read a few books that is based on the Japanese Occupation of Malaya. Hence for me the plot of this book is quite straight forward and simple. The story is pun in such a way that for first timer or those who doesn't know the Malaya history would find it easy to catch up with what's going on during that time.
The complicated part is the part where the author managed to highlight the emotion involved at that time . How each characters have been caught off guard when The Japanese invaded Malaya. Yup, many things that in normal days we swear we won't do but we might collapse and do it when desperate. Things that is done may have been meant to protect or an innocent act may in turn cause great harm to another.
The author really had a flare in manipulation the characters. And I salute her for having the stomach to put in words on how the tortures were meted out to the prisoners.Those with a weak stomach, would be advisable to skip page 313-316.
Overall I love the story very much. It would be nice if the chemistry between Matthew, Rajan and Mei Ling is more intense. As it is, I get the feeling is that they are just good friends. Only at the ending did the feelings became apparent.
Am giving this book 4 stars out of 5 stars.
A Place Called Blessing Where Hurting Ends and Love BeginsBy John Trent with Annette Smith
Synopsis by
Five-year-old Josh and his two older brothers lose their parents in a drunk-driving accident. A series of foster homes and a shocking tragedy eventually separate them, leaving Josh alone, angry, and distrustful of most everyone. At age eighteen, Josh strikes out on his own to find work. With only a high school education and few life skills, he is one step away from homelessness when Providence brings him to a place where he finds much more than physical shelter. For the first time in his life, Josh receives unconditional love and something every human being craves, the gift of "the blessing."
The book includes an introduction and reader’s guide designed to identify and discuss the five elements of the biblical blessing that every person needs. Through the power of Josh's story, readers are shown how to give this gift to their children and others as outlined in the more than one million copy bestseller, The Blessing.
My Comments
I received this wonderful book from the Publisher, Thomas Nelson in exchange for an honest review.
What I can say is that I like this book. It was heart rending reading about Josh and the condition which he grew up with. It's no wonder that Josh does not trust people easily and preferred to keep to himself. After all, a person can only takes so much heart break .
I love the way, how the author brings Josh back and how he linked Josh's past to his present. It was rather shameful how his brothers had behave towards him although at that time they were still kids. But the one could also argue that his brothers are older than him. Who didn't the make the first move? Why should Anne be the one who made the effort?
It makes me sad to what happen to Anne and her family at the end. I wish the scenario would not be like that but am not the author.
Overall, I give it 4 stars out of 5. It's a good read but there are still room for improvement.
Brush of Angel's Wings By Ruth Reid
Synopsis from
Rachel and Jordan's feelings for each other are hostile at first, but angelic intervention helps the two discover peace . . . and perhaps love.
The youngest and last unmarried of four sisters, Rachel Hartlzer spends most of her time helping with barn chores. Her role abruptly changes when her father hires Jordan Engles, the son he always wanted.
As Jordan takes on brotherly roles around the house, like escorting Rachel to the youth singing, the enmity between the two grows. Besides, Jordan has one foot in the Englisch world and is determined not to get involved with an Amish girl.
Neither realizes that God has sent an angel, Nathaniel, to help mend their hearts. The angel’s intervention helps them find peace and healing in accepting God's will for their lives.
My Comments
I have read several Amish fiction and usually I love them. However, I regret to say that this book some how disappoints me.
For me the characters seems a bit stiltled. Both Racherl and Jordan just doesn't seems to "connect". Rachel is deemed to be impulsive and some what rebellious but when I read the book, her characters seems so boring.
Jordan is from the outside world but it seems quite illogical that he can assimilate his life in the community so fast and his problem just does not sound convincing enough.
The redeeming point of the book is the "battle" between the angel Nathaniel and demon Tangus.
The plot is also slow for me. I had a hard time finishing this book.
However, as I have always said, read the book for yourself before you judge as each person taste in books is different. What I like, you may not like and vice versa.
For me it rated 2 stars out of 5.
For me it rated 2 stars out of 5.
Disclaimer : I have received this book from in exchange of an honest review.
Winner of "As One Devil to Another By Richard Platt"
Sorry for the delay, guess some of you might know what had occurred last week.
Well, here it is. The announcement . Kindly watch the following video to find out the who is the winner of "As One Devil yo Another by Richard Platt" giveaway.
Congratulations! to the winner. Mamarazzi will be contacting you shortly.
As One Devil to Another By Richard Platt
Synopsis at Tyndale Media Center
As One Devil to Another is an astonishing debut work that C. S. Lewis’s biographer and foremost Lewis authority Walter Hooper calls “a stunning achievement, the finest example of the genre of diabolical correspondence to appear since this genre was popularized by C. S. Lewis.” Enter into this chilling and diabolical tale, one that reveals the very tricks and strategies of Hell. Through a series of letters between devils created by Platt, senior devil Slashreap trains his young protégé, Scardagger, to win an individual soul away from Heaven and into their clutches. As the devils plot their way to triumph, they reveal the spiritual dangers and risks we face in today’s society. Their frighteningly accurate perspective on issues such as contemporary technology and sexual mores is interwoven with timeless matters such as the power of prayer, the purpose of suffering, and the promises held out by Heaven . . . and Hell. Destined to become a modern classic, As One Devil to Another is a brilliantly written, deeply unsettling perspective on twenty-first-century society . . . a glimpse of ourselves through the eyes of those who have embraced their underworldly existence.
Here is a little about the author - source Tyndale Media Center
Richard Platt has been in love with words and the music of language all his life, but he did not begin writing until his early forties. He is a contributor to the literary quarterly Slightly Foxed and was a finalist for a 2012 San Diego Foundation Creative Catalyst Fellowship for his one-man play, Ripples From Walden Pond: An Evening with Henry David Thoreau. As One Devil to Another, his first novel, is dedicated in grateful homage to C. S. Lewis. Richard and his wife, Susan, live in California.
My Comments :
'As One Devil to Another' is a rather peculiar book, I must say. It's nothing like the books that I have read before. It's very unique, and quite a revelation in itself. When I first flipped through the book, I feel awkward reading correspondences between devils. I feel rather uncomfortable reading the book at first. It's rather...queer and diabolical, but I got used to it and I have to say that I kinda enjoy the originality of it's storyline. This book makes me think, and I'm sure that you could relate to what the devils is doing in order to corrupt the world in this story.
This story is not for everyone, I suppose as it brings you into a strange, underworld perspective and you got to keep your mind open when you read this book and take it as it is.
I rate this book 3 out of 5 stars. Highly recommends it for thinkers and scholars alike.
Want a copy of this book? Leave a comment and random commenter will be chosen to win a giveaway of this book. This giveaway ends midnight 30th April 2012.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher Tyndale House . I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

The 13th Tribe By Robert Liparulo
Book Description
Their story didn’t start this year . . . or even this millennium.
It began when Moses was on Mt. Sinai. Tired of waiting on the One True God, the twelve tribes of Israel began worshipping a golden calf through pagan revelry. Many received immediate death for their idolatry, but 40 were handed a far worse punishment—endless life on earth with no chance to see the face of God.
This group of immortals became the 13th Tribe, and they’ve been trying to earn their way into heaven ever since—by killing sinners. Though their logic is twisted, their brilliance is undeniable. Their wrath is unstoppable. And the technology they possess is beyond anything mere humans have ever seen.
Jagger Baird knows nothing about the Tribe when he’s hired as head of security for an archaeological dig on Mt. Sinai. The former Army Ranger is still reeling from an accident that claimed the life of his best friend, his arm, and his faith in God.
The Tribe is poised to execute their most ambitious attack ever and the lives of millions hang in the balance. When Jagger’s wife and son are caught in the crossfire, he’ll stop at nothing to save them. But how can one man stand against an entire tribe of immortals?
My Comments :
When I read through the first few chapters, I was going to give this book 1 or 2 stars only.
It was because the first few chapters were very confusing to me. Too many characters were introduced. For example Jagger who works as Security which has a prosthetic arms. In the beginning, I had the impression that he was something like Robocop but something just does not ring true/logic. How many would hire people with prosthetic to be the Head of Security?
This and add on with various member of the Tribe and introduction of their higher technology- invisible cloak and what not made me lot track of the story. I was not sure how to view the story - futuristic? Sci-fic? Moreover, their unique names of the Tribe members like Creed, Phin, Elias and the most confusing was Arella who happens to be neaveh; who happens to be the word "heaven" spelled backwards; made my head spin.
In the beginning, it was not specified how many are they in the Tribe and their ages. Thus, I was quite surprised when there was kids in the Tribe too. Ageless.
Another thing was the mysterious plan "Agag" by the Tribe. The plan seems rather complicated to me and at parts quite technical which I have difficulties in following.
I was getting tired reading this but half way through the book, the story starts to grow interesting as the pace picks up. Am glad I was able to go through the book.
I love the unexpected twist in the end of the story. I liked this book well enough but I think this is one of those books that I would read once only.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.com book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
Blue Moon Promise By Colleen Coble
Book Description by
“Tell me, Miss Marsh, are you a Christian?”
“Why, yes sir, I am.”
“I thought as much. God has led me here for a purpose…
I have a proposition for you.”
Lucy Marsh’s worldly resources are running out, but she’s fiercely determined to care for her younger brother and sister. When she discovers that their father’s recent death was no accident, Lucy is eager to leave town. She accepts a proxy marriage she believes will provide safe refuge. But trouble follows her to Wichita Falls, Texas, where the man she came to marry seems surprised to suddenly have a wife and children to provide for.
Nate Stanton always hoped he’d marry someday, but running the family ranch meant he had no time for romance. When his father deposits Lucy Marsh—a city girl—on his doorstep, with two siblings in the bargain, he expects ranch life will send her running on the first train out of town. But Lucy is made of tougher stuff than Nate imagined. When danger moves in, Nate realizes he’d give anything to protect Lucy and the children he’s grown to love. Even if it means giving up his ranch.
Blue Moon Promise is a story of hope, romance and suspense…immersing the reader in a rich historical tale set under Texas stars.
My Comments :-
Blue Moon Promise by Colleen Colbie is amazing, and I have to say that I admire the heroine's determination to keep her family together and do things that she thinks is right.
A wonderful book to read if you happen to feel that the world is against you. The main theme of this story is love, faith, hope and courage and we are constantly reminded to persevere and not give up in this story. I just love the heroine's character. The things that she did was truly admirable, and of course, if you're a fan of sweet, subtle romance, this book will tickle you fancy too. There's some romance and a little bit of courtship in this book.Highly recommended to people who enjoy an inspirational read. I rate this book 4 out of 5.
I received this book from Thomas Nelson Publish in exchange of fair and honest review. I was not compensated in any ways for writing this review.
Heart of Ice by Lis Wiehl
Book Description from
The Triple Threat Club novels follow three fiercely intelligent women—a TV reporter, a Federal prosecutor and an FBI agent—as they investigate crimes as current as today’s headlines.
The Triple Threat women have faced intense situations before…but never such a cunningly cold-blooded murderer.
Elizabeth Avery is a stunningly beautiful woman. But her perfectly managed exterior hides the ice cold heart of a killer. She ingeniously manipulates everyone who crosses her path to do exactly as she wishes--from crime reporter Cassidy Shaw, who thinks Elizabeth is her new best friend, to a shy young man Elizabeth persuades to kill for her.
As Elizabeth leaves a trail of bodies in her wake, Federal prosecutor Allison Pierce and FBI agent Nicole Hedges must piece together clues from seemingly unrelated crimes. Can they stop her before she reaches her unthinkable, ultimate end-game?
My Comments :
I find that this book is amazing to read. Fast pace and a page turner.
The character I love the most is Elizabeth Avery. She is just so deliciously "evil". Reminds me of someone that I know but too bad that particular friend doesn't have Elizabeth's skill in manipulation and ruthless. Am rather surprised that this is classified as a Christian book.
Initially when I read the synopsis, I thought this book would be just like any other thriller but it is not so. Apart from the suspense, the author also incorporated the "personal" sides of the three main characters. It makes them more real and believable to read.
Nevertheless, I think some maybe put off in the beginning as each chapter introduces new person and their life. To me that might be the biggest huddle coz by the time the author go back to the story, readers may have got mixed up what happen to who and who is who.
Anyway, I did enjoyed reading this. Hope to get my hands on more books by this author
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.com book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
Labels: booksneeze
Happy Winter Solstice Festival To Everyone
Sorry again. Haven't been updating this blog for a long time.
Just popping in to Wish Everyone a Happy Winter Solstice Festival!
What have we been up to..well...a lot of things.
If you wanna find out more, do drop by
Have a nice day!
There You'll Find Me By Jenny B. Jones
Synopsis by
Grief brought Finley to Ireland. LOVE WILL LEAD HER HOME.
Finley Sinclair is not your typical eighteen-year-old. She’s witty, tough, and driven. With an upcoming interview at the Manhattan music conservatory, Finley needs to compose her audition piece. But her creativity disappeared with the death of her older brother, Will.
She decides to study abroad in Ireland so she can follow Will’s travel journal. It’s the place he felt closest to God, and she’s hopeful being there will help her make peace over losing him. So she agrees to an exchange program and boards the plane.
Beckett Rush, teen heartthrob and Hollywood bad boy, is flying to Ireland to finish filming his latest vampire movie. On the flight, he meets Finley. She’s the one girl who seems immune to his charm. Undeterred, Beckett convinces her to be his assistant in exchange for his help as a tour guide.
Once in Ireland, Finley starts to break down. The loss of her brother and the pressure of school, her audition, and whatever it is that is happening between her and Beckett, leads her to a new and dangerous vice. When is God going to show up for her in this emerald paradise?
Then she experiences something that radically changes her perspective on life. Could it be God convincing her that everything she’s been looking for has been with her all along?
My Comment:-
For the moment there I thought this would be just another Young Adult book with the usual Boy-Meets-Girl theme. However, I was dead wrong about it. As the saying goes, "do not judge a book by its cover" and may I expand it to " by it synopsis too".
The author, Jenny B Jones, did not only injected romance in the story but also loaded it with pain, humour and faith in God's will.
It was fun to read how the two of them, Beckett and Finley, met. Amazing to see how their path kept crossing. At first Finley wanted to avoid Beckett due to his Playboy reputation but slowly she discovered that what is reported is not what she sees.
I love Cathleen Sweeney. She is an old woman dying from cancer. She is full of bitterness and her past does not help with that. Nevertheless, she was assigned to Finley as a School Project. Their relationship begins and it gradually helps Finley with her grief.
Overall, this has been a good read. I love the author writing style and I hope to read more of her books.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.com book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”Labels: 4 stars , booksneeze