Posted by
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I had lotsa fun when I went back to K.T. the other day. This is my cousin, Koh Koh Yuan. I like to play with him and I bully him. I plonk his head with something but he didn't cry. But then Mamarazzi pliak my hand pulak.

Jie Jie Lin showing me how to blow the Party Whistle.

While she was doing that, I stole her "piano".

See! This is Jie Jie Lin's Piano. Mamarazzi said I was a very busy boy when in Kong-Kong and Mah-mah's home.
Posted by
Monday, March 30, 2009


Papa forgot to pay electricity ah?

Oh...Earth Hour...No light pun no light la. Bath in candlelight la. More romantic kakakaka.
Posted by
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Did you celebrate Earth Hour last night? We did.

I checked the switch for the television and all the players are off.

Mamarazzi switched off all the not relevant switch.

Got ready the candles.

Last but not least, I got ready my hammer. Just in case pencuri tries to come in.
8.30p.m. lights off.

And light up. Mother Earth! this is your hour!
Posted by
Saturday, March 28, 2009

Kong-Kong and Mah-Mah really have Green Thumbs or is it Green Fingers ah. They plant a lot of greens in front and back of the house. Look at the chili! Wow!
And look at these big and healthy mint leafs.
And compare it to the ones Mamarazzi planted...haiz...pity the mint plant..........
Posted by
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Aiks! What's this on my head? A hat? Sailor hat? Popeye the Sailor Man?

Kong-Kong put a paper hat on my head
.! Kong-Kong wanna
kapit-kapit me...
Posted by
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

At the beach again with Yee Poh, Papa and Mamarazzi.
So many new "things" along the water front. It seems that they are preparing for "Larian Jambatan" on 21st March 2009
There is pony rides too. But my ride on Papa' shoulder is more comfortable
leh. This beach also being patrol by Police on horse. Wah Lau Eh! Just like London?
Posted by
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Yawn~ I wanna sleep some more. Why wake me up? What are we doing at JCMS ProRewards S/B? Oh! The camera that Mamarazzi ordered had arrived ya? Yay! Yay! Very fast and efficient service. Within 4 days can get the camera already!
Olympus FE-330. Citibank offer to card members at RM399. Market price RM899.

Wow! very small, sleek, light and large LCD.

Snap photos very clear too. See! can even see my eyelashes and big l
ubang hidung..
Thank you very much, CITIBANK, for bringing such a good offer to us.
Eeee..Next time give Free Memory Card also l
a. Is the promotion still valid? I wanna ask
Mamarazzi to buy a few more just to keep stock.
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Oh~oh~oh~ balik kampung~ hati ria~
Been wondering why no post for the past few days? School holidays..Papa also holiday day. Thus we balik kampung for a week to surprise Kong-Kong and Mah Mah. You didn't know leh? Coz Mamarazzi had pre-schedule her posts before balik kampung
Oh boy! aren't they surprised. The last time they came, a month ago, I still can't walk without holding on to something. This round, they had a tough time chasing me around. I walk to the kitchen. I walk to the living room. I walk to everywhere. They can't left me unattended or else I would disappear in a blink of an eye.
I even learnt how to open the room door after observing Mamarazzi and Papa a few times. The door lock was the old type whereby I just have to pull downwards to open.
I really had much fun this round.
Posted by
Friday, March 20, 2009
Yay.. when Papa is around I can go gai-gai many places. We are at Tropicana City a new shopping complex at Damansara. Not many shops opened yet.

Saw this red guy ..looks like he is trying to punch me. I punched him first...hahaha... The man from San Francisco Steakhouse gave me a balloon and there is a BIG Playland in front of the shop. I went in and jumped around. I
tak pening, but Mamarazzi
pening from all the swaying and jumping at the Playland. There is a big BORDERS bookstore for Mamarazzi to browse around and Carrefour for Papa to look see look see. I quite enjoyed my day at Tropicana City.
Posted by
Thursday, March 19, 2009

Omigosh! Mamarazzi gone mad already. Borong so many plates for what??

Nice pattern
RM1/pc only from Clearance Sale at GIANT Kinrara.

Peel off the price tag...oppsss..'s the unclaim free gift from Darlie. Can't blame GIANT for selling it coz customers often forget to claim their Free Gift. So..Uncle and Aunties....make sure you remember to claim your free gift ya..
Posted by
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Waiiit....Mamarazzi...My pram is not loaded into the car boot yet. Rushing to where, 7 early 8 early in the morning?
Oh...MPH Warehouse sales again ah? Rushing coz it's a Sunday morning and worried that it will be very crowded ah..Definately there will be a large crowd. Wow...and yet Mamarazzi managed to grab so many books.
Posted by
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Going where again? I am very sleepy ah.....

Huh...CKT again. This round we are lucky. Found a VERY good CKT at Lai Foong Restuarant, Jln Tun H.S.Lee. Just see
aje already know it's
SEDAP. A lot of
liu ...Prawn, kerang, lap cheong and main thing PORK LARD..muhahaha. Price wise as compared to the one at Jalan Batai, it's the same. RM4 for small plate and RM5 for large. Yummy...will definately come again.
Posted by
Friday, March 13, 2009

Next stop after jab-jab...go
makan Char Keow Teow..

Papa saw a blog that recommend Char Keow Teow at Restaurant Seng Lee, Jalan Batai, Bangsar.
This is the CKT...what a let down....Nothing special pun. No Lap Cheong nor pork lard like the one in Pandan Perdana or the one that used to be at Brickfields. Haiya! some more charge RM5 for a large plate and need to pay parking ...haiz....
Uwaaaaaa.....where can I find a goooood CKT ah?????
Posted by
Thursday, March 12, 2009's that time of the year again. There are whisper of j.a.b. j.a.b. Take a seat first while waiting for registration.

The nurse is making some appointments

Meantime, I
guai play with the toys provided.

Tak sakit pun. I can still walk.
Mamarazzi scared when she saw the needle till the hands also non-stop shaking. No wonder this photo turns out blur.
Posted by
Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Uhhhhh! scary experience. I nearly become Guinea Pig again yesterday. Yesterday, was my Koh Poh's birthday and Papa coming back too. Mamarazzi doesn't know how to bake cake, so she decided to try out the Loh Mai Kai recipe.

Sooo much "pulut". If ask me to eat all I sure

She add some Lap Cheong

Then the usual onion, chicken and mushrooms

Put the ingredient into a bowl

Then pad it with the pulut and steam
Uiks! Jadi jugak....I tasted a bit...hmm...not salty enough. Next time must add more salt