The story goes that there like a noble man in Capernaum by the Lake of Galilee. He had a little son who mean the world to him.
One day his son fell ill. The doctor came and said that the boy will not recover. Of course the noble man was distraught. He summon more doctors and each with the same verdict.
He came upon the place where Jesus was and begged Jesus to come and heal his son. Jesus looked at the man and said " You and others wants to see me do miracles. You will not believe me unless I do these things".
Jesus had pity on the man and he said "Go home. Your son lives"
The nobleman believe all his heart that Jesus had spoken the truth and that thru the wonder of his love, Jesus had reach out and healed his son.
He asked his servant when did his son get better. The servant said 7 o'clock. The time which Jesus had said the nobleman's son will live.
Oh..that was really a wonderful story
hmmmm very pandai tell story hor...hahaha
And Jesus also said - little boys must be good and obedient or He would not save them when they fall ill. Got like that or not? LOL!!!
You should see him when it's bedtime. Non-stop telling his "adventure" stories to his lambs and bears.
haha.. cute one..
STP good boy ah..only occassionally bully people mah :p
That "art" work >.<
interesting story!
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