Remember this hair style? The other day when we went "makan" there is an aunty address me as girl-girl. Hey! I got "birdie" one ah! Not girl-girl ah. It's just that my hair is a tiny winny long.
Today I got a new hair cut at Mama Saloon. Handsome or not?
Anyone say not handsome, I shall bake him/her a cheese cake!.
Inherited the title "Smallkucing" from Mamarazzi who initially started this blog without any aim and direction till I came along.
Now I am Small Kucing who loves to go gai-gai be it for warehouse sale chasing, makan-ing or sight seeing.
Caution : You might come across occasional mad ranting by Mamarazzi.
Any food/restaurant or book reviews in this blog is OUR OWN PERSONAL COMMENTS AND MAY NOT REPRESENT THE TRUTH.
She was a fairy princess condemned to forget him for all eternity and was sent to Earth to live the life of a mortal woman, with no memories of him.
He was a devil king who fell helplessly in love with her, and followed her to Earth to reclaim her all over again.
Can love transcend dimensions and memories? Astrea and Narcissus returns in Masquerade for more adventure , romance and passion
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