Today we went to chase after warehouse sale again. This time not Paylessbook Warehouse sale. Papa drove us to this place called SS19/1.
There were many cars there. RELA man had to control the traffic. Scary. Mama said it's Pureen Warehouse Sale
Mama wanted to get some diapers for me. The existing diaper is cutting into the skin of my thigh. Pain pain oh.
WAAAAHHHH!!!! So many people. Chinese saying "People mountain, people sea". Is the things really that cheap?
Cheap or not, Papa and Mama seems to managed to "borong" lotsa stuffs for me. Must be cheap then.

See my new "baju". Mama managed to grab some while Papa queueing up to pay. Mama said very cheap as the Pride 'n Joy brand baju is going from RM1 onwards. No need to think much. Mama used her "grabbing skill"just grab and grab baju for me.
What was I doing during this time? Of course I "guai-guai" sleep so that Papa and Mama can buy more things for me.*kakakaka*
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