Wah lau eh! baru 11.30a.m. already so long queue to go in Hoe Kee Chicken Rice restaurant. Forgot it was Hari Raya Haji. The atmosphere was not as nice as previous trip while I was in mamarazzi's tummy. Please click here to view previous trip.

Papa patiently queueing up.

Uiks? Today tarak soup ka? No soup on weekend and Public Holiday. Guess I cannot go "soup! soup!".

Meantime, Mamarazzi was carrying me to avoid me from getting trample on. Heavy oh...nearly 14kg. Yee Por playin with me.

While waiting for food to be served, an old lady ccame to sell titbits. Yee Por bought some. Don't know true or not. When Yee Por ask her too sweet or not, she claims not too sweet.

Finally...Dragon Ball Chicken Rice. Wah bulat bulat one.
Half of a chicken. RM16. Haiya! Bad luck. The meat was very tough. This chicken must be very old. Well, this is just Mamarazzi's personal opinion la. May not represent the truth.

Asam Talapia Fish. RM20+. The Lady Fingers and the gravy was very nice but the fish taste so-so only.

This is MINE

NGAP! Not bad. But Mamarazzi said it's not at nice as previous trip. Tembak aje la. I was very hungry so I ate aje la.
Perut kenyang. Time to explore some more.
Too bad.. no soup.. :)
Still yummy anyhow......
No soup .....maybe Melaka no water that day, ha ha ha!
i feel the jonkers street chicken rice balls are not as tasty as the other places locals go to.. jonkers street is for tourists.. commercialized.. one time, a local fren took me to a shop in town.. wah.. so nice la.. my boys took so many balls.. and the chicken was tasty too.. but we tourists do not know the way so always ended up in jonkers street, right?
No soup? Soup chef went missing kah?
We are visitors thus dont know where to get good chicken rice ball.Had the one from Farmosa Chicken Rice on prev trip. Also not nice.
Malacca got a lot of water that day...rain water..hahaha...rained in the afternoon.
Hey, anyon from Malacca out there reading this? Can recommend good Malacca makan place or not for those of us who are not local. Thank you very very much
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