Uiks!? Is that my dear? She comes to Dan Neh Noh also ah? Alamak! silap orang. Opps...!
Hey, don't blame me leh. From the back, the girl looks a bit like my dear leh.What's Mamarazzi having? Hotcakes? hmmm...just like the hot manna that rained from heaven.
Don't know the story? Well, in Enid Blyton's Bedtime Story and Prayer there is a story of bread that rained from Heaven
Long time ago, Moses leads his people to God's promised land. It was a long a tiring journey. Not much food around. The people were very hungry. They grumble to Moses. Asking him why he lead them there to die of hunger.
God heard and said to Moses "Behold! I will rain bread from heaven for you".
The next morning the dew fall as usual but when the sun comes out, there was something left behind. All over the grown there was small round bread. It's manna rained from heaven. It was said that it tasted like wafer made with honey. Yum yum..Another day, the people were very thirsty and they complaint to Moses. Moses prayed and God heard him
God told him to go in front till he comes to a great rock. Strike the rock with his staff and water will come out. Moses did just that and a miracle happen. Water came gushing out from the stone.
The people were delighted and come with their cups and dishes to drink the water. They were praising God greatness.
A moving story? Mamarazzi don't think so coz in the end, the people went against the Lord. Haiz...when have problems then find the Lord. When tarak problem, father's own name also forgotten.
Mamarazzi's Ranting
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Bedtime Stories And Prayers By Enid Blyton-When Bread Rained From Heaven
Posted by
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Labels: books
Used to order this pancake for my niece but she doesn't like it...issh!
but after that, they forgot about God again and started to worship their own man made idols..
it is still going on until today.. the israelites and palestines fighting for power.
Dan Neh Noh got pancakes kah? Nice or not? Eeee...why they use polysterene...and the design's so very kopitiam?
You're just so right right about the human! Even the rich is still asking for more huh! Never ending stories. Thanks for the wonderful story & have a nice weekend.
Cheers, kristy
weiii bila free to meet up har? haah
We can only thank god that He's not so ungracious or anywhere like any of us hor...It will spell DOOM for us if god's gonna be calculative over small matter (sigh)
Maybe the batter was a bit too sweet
Biasa la.."go over the bridge no need the wood anymore" lo
The taste wont be as good as the ones that you made la.
what to do...that is life.
May you have a great weekend too :D
Bila u come back KL? Balik Kampung how long la
Hi, I'm still new to your blog... can u tell me what is Dan Neh Noh?? : )
Lol, casanova in the making XD
Dan Neh Noh = McD. He kept calling it Dan Neh Noh :p
bit bit la
Wah...the photos really good lah..haha..small kucing checking out the little girl..so funny lah. :P
Mummy Gwen
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