Hey! I think I know where we are. Mommy Ling had blogged about this place before.
It's Ninja Joe. The place that sell pork burger. So many flavors to choose from.

Hey! I think I know where we are. Mommy Ling had blogged about this place before.
It's Ninja Joe. The place that sell pork burger. So many flavors to choose from.
Labels: food-fast food
Aiya this Mamarazzi really Mong Char Char. She forgot to thank some people for the gifts received.
I have to be model again coz Mamarazzi lazy to put on make-up. Without make-up , later look like Pontianak again. Susah lo.
Thank you, Auntie Vampire for this little red lovely number.
Labels: gift
Labels: food-hawker stalls/roadside
Labels: food-hawker stalls/roadside
Auntie Agnes of LilHyppo's Hypopotamum is having a Mother's Day Contest at her blog. Check out her blog here.
Labels: contest
Papa went to the Government Clinic yesterday morning. Found that there is a Free Influenza A(H1N1) vaccine shots counter open for members of the public. Papa immediately got a jab for himself.
Papa came home and told Mamarazzi about it. But Mamarazzi was too "chicken" to go and get the jab.
It's very bad of Mamarazzi to be scared of jab-jab. I kena jab-jab the other day I also never cry.I guess Mamarazzi don't realise that there are many brainless people out there.They could be sitting next table to her or standing next to her. Dah la sakit and yet still run here and there spreading virus.
If sick, stay home and rest la. These people are very selfish and brainless. They thought now with A(H1N1) vaccine available, it's okay for them to infect others. They never thought of what if they have infected those high risk group like me?I am just two years old. I don't wanna die yet and there are just too many things that I've yet to enjoy..like drinking Iced Lime Juice. If they wanna go early to "play mahjung" with their ancestor then go lah. Don't bring others along with them.
They should practice self quarantine when they or their family members have contagious disease. This is not limited to A(H1N1) but all others disease as well.
Mamarazzi! You better go to get the jab fast else I don't wanna Friend you liao!
Note: Please check with the Government Clinics nearest to you whether you are eligible for the jab or not. It's available for certain age group only.
Labels: medical
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