After going to Restaurant Cincai, Auntie Cleff still tak puas lagi. We went one more round to Restaurant Cincai. This round they brought along more "little horses".
Me? Me guai-guai. I just help to sabo the things and the guai guai makan. Yum..yumm...see Papa managed to get evidence of Mamarazzi busy "grabbing" food stuffs.

Ooo..the watermelon was very nice. Very red and juicy. Just the way Mamarazzi loves it. I love the jelly. The black ones are "turtle jelly". Very strong taste.
Haiz...apa lagi...scallop and prawns finished la. the Taukeh replenished a few times and yet...gone. Papa loves the eggs.
This round Auntie Cleff counted. 318 scallop only. Less than what we had previously if we were to apportion it.
Uiks! Got surprise Guest. You know who is this?
Aiyo...the gang reallyganas. Lepak till nearly midnight baru wanna go home. Walloped so much.
Oh yah...this photograph have been purposely "blur" for obvious reason. Many of the gang members are camera shy.
Really have to salute the gang members. They can really think up very creative gifts. One gave a bag of FIVE kilogramme of beras pulut. Guess Mamarazzi can open stall selling Loh Mai Farn already.
One give book. Then a wedding gift?'s a lovely home made hair band. A bit too big for my "tail" hence Mamarazzi took it for herself. Tak malu.
Then Auntie Cynthia gave me candy and her home made muffins. And a cooler bag too so that Mamarazzi can go buy ice cream for me without worry that it will melt.
Thank you very much ya to everyone. I had a lot of fun that night. Hope we can do it again soon. Next round we go to Anonymous' house in Cheras for Charcoal Fried Noodles ya? Okay or not?
Aiks... Auntie Cleff pulak kena mention. Bwhahaha.. habis liao la... tauke going to ban auntie from makan-ing in the restaurant... keep bringing ganas ppl to makan there. LOL!
Aiyor...why the restaurant's name "cincai" one? Hope they do not do things cincai-cincai there.
I know who gave the pulut. Clever that one! I give you, you cook....I eat! Muahahahahaha!!!!!
Btw, did you give your dear a big kiss when you gave her the leaves? LOL!!!
when the boss of Restaurant Cincai saw mamarazzi again, did he shouted "OMG, it's HER again!!" hahahaha~~
wah, now all the bloggers gathering need to prepare gifts one ah?? aiyoh, since when this is the rules ah?? :D
eh..i thought u all got blacklisted already?? so much scallooopps u all took, gosh!!!
and so much gifts.. reminds me that christmas is around the corner.. Joshua told me that is another one better than this in Serdang...heard of it...all the seafood...gosh...he wish he can take Daddy and me there to eat. RM20 over but the wide range of food is fantastic....big big scallop...
hahaha Auntie Claire going to cry..she paid RM55 for 3 scallops , a small piece of cod and unagi...haih
what a name for a restaurant. they cook their food cincai only kah? or their price is very cincai. :)
I'm curious, why is the restaurant called 'cincai'?
Haha, small kucing looks "real" as kucing because got tail liao!
wow, big mussels!! Normally those buffet steamboat only offer small size mussels :(
Lup the last pix cannot help grinning together with the grinning smallkucing ~ meow meow..haha.
Restaurant "Cincai" (Again) in bracket is the translation for 'Cincai' or you been there again? Thought Cincai is "anything will do" or what? Bananaz cincaily confused..
Again? Must be nice lol
Auntie Cleff
I wonder who is the one who makan scallop with the shell also ah
If they cincai nevermind as long as the food is good. They also cincai kira. Kids they didnt charge
LOL the boss horrified lo.
We wore masks LOL..
Mamarazzi know the one your son mentioned. It's called Hye Tian. The Steamboat is half soup and halfgrill one is it? Not bad
Their price Cincai. As for food...they dont have to cook what. They only need to make the soup :D
That one will have to ask the boss lo. Maybe the ROC ask them what name they wanna put and they say Cincai la LOL
Shenny's Mommy
hahahaha...very naughty kucing
Choi Yen
Mamarazzi not crazy about mussel but nuts about the prawns. Big fat and juicy prawns
Syok la having so many talented aunties
We went to the restaurant named Restaurant Cincai once again. Last round we had but tak puas. This one was 2nd round lor
I thought u wanna say : the food is cincai there many ppl sure habislah the food...hehe.
The scallops really look fresh. So many gifts too...nice.
BTW, I haven't used the JJ repellant yet coz always stays chance to test..hehe. The smells is nice though.
Wah so much beras pulut kah?! You kena hari-hari masak baru boleh habis sebelum this year-end oh! The hair band looks really nice!
Wah.....300 ++ scallops..... Eat in big group, sure fun!
318 scallops??? wow ....
Wah...serbu another round..THis time with more ppl..ahahhahah
318 scallops ONLY? What do you mean ONLY? Hahaha! While you guys ate to your hearts' content, the taukeh must be shaking his head in contempt hehe...
Those seafood is good for men XD
Wow so much food and scallops! Sure the taukeh scared of you guys coming back next time! LOL!
Wah, looks like your are about to go inside the frezzer lorr! ha ha ha !
Not bad la...but atleast we can wallop in peace. No need to fight with people for food :P
That is the restaurant name LOL
Mummy Gwen
the food not bad la.
Hmm...over here even indoor also have mozzie :(
Wai Kitt
Ya lor....cook everyday also can pengsan liao
Ya lor....sekejap only finished the sacllop
Mommy Angel
You read correctly..318 scallop. Coz one fella collect shells. She brought home all the shell of the Scallop that we have ate
Mommy Ling
wokay this round if ngum u free jom we go serbu. Booking under your name sure the Taukeh wont be suspicious LOL
Chloe's Mummy
What can I say...Mamarazzi and the gang really sotplug one. Eat and eat and eat like there is no tomorrow
Which part :P
Lenglyui Witch
Next time will have to use another person's name to make reservation LOL
But still not tall enough yet :D
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