You know why I love following Maarazzi to Pasar Malam? And why I would guai guai sit in the car with Papa without a fuss while waiting for Mamarazzi?
Coz FOOD, FOOD and FOOD lor. Mamarazzi always buy a lot of nice food for Papa and me from Pasar Malam.Like the delicious Apam Balik from SS2 pasar malam. Stall located next to the Food Court.
What so special about this Apam Balik is that they put COCONUT on top of the usual peanuts and corn.See the white thingy? That's the coconut.
So far, Mamarazzi found Apam Balik with coconut at two place only. One in Seri Kembangan and one at SS2 pasar malam.

This round is Dai Chow from a shop at Paramount.
First time the quality dropped like this. Visited this shop very often. Always very nice punya. Hmm...must be Chef on leave kot?
Arrive home, have some more goodies to eat. NANGKA! My new and latest favourite fruit. Mamarazzi would shred into thin strips for me.
You hear that or not, Kaw Kaw LC? I can lawan makan Nangka with you liao.
Heh, heh, my toddler and me also pasar malam kaki! LOL!
bubu ah bubu.....leave some nangka for me ok ....muahhhhhh
I wan the ban chieeeeeeennnn... adeeeeiiii... now so late oredi, tarak ban chien. Tomorrow must go find liao. Crave for this so long.
Bet one of these days will bump into you :p
Not some..all ..muhahahahaha 2 packets
LOL...tomorrow ah...more food post to come :p
I love apam balik! Yummy!!
hahhaaha ehhh still got the pirated dvd stores ar? i heard very few of them oredi, cant wait to go bk to pasar malam
Ooooo...I love the apam balik, this crispy type - not the thick ones. Kaki ayam...eyew!!! No, thank you! LOL!!! Sibu's pasar malam is the best in Malaysia - everyday got...but I never go because so hot! No aircon! LOL!!!
ouch!!!! going to STP blog is very much safer, lor mee doesnt attract me.. but coming by here is a wrong time.. early morning, makes me yearn for the chow koay teow la, tai kau meen la.. tai lok mee la.... gosh gosh!!! i better lari kuat kuat from here!! lol.....
*high 5* I love pasar malam food too!!
I haven't been to pasar malam in ages! the pasar malam in Singapore only comes very randomly once a year I think. Not sure about other places... but not much good food :S all repeated things and maybe by the same group too! hahaha!
I want KL pasar malam T___T. a days when hubby and I go out, also 1 party stay in the car and take care of the kids!
I so love the apom as well....but I don't take the one with coconut. I usually buy from the other side of the pasar mlm!
I also pasar mlm the foods there.
So many goodies to ngap... sure smallkucing happy one :-). aunty loves to go pasar malam too.
ooo havent been to the pasar malam for a looong time. :P
I like abang balik with coconut too. Miss it! But I'm not pasar malam kaki. Mostly sells almost same thing.
I think the Sri petaling (Tuesday) pasar malam got that apam balik with coconut.
Oh I miss SS2 pasar malam's apam balik.. but really more costly than the normal ones..
wah...ur kid enjoy going pasar malam...dunno dylan like to go and walk pasar malam a not...
hokkien mee quality dropped...maybe chef on leave or not in mood to cook
The way to control man is to control their stomach. Applies to all man of all ages haha :D
i miss going to pasar malam! haven't gone to one in ages...
Of course kuai kuai got makan, mama is big 'wai shek mao' no doubt blog is smallkucing. So boy boy cannot kalah must become small 'wai shek mao'..haha. tQ.
Everytime we go pasar malam, we will end up having a very junkie dinner made up of an assortment of snacks bought from there. Really can eat until full one haha!
especially the crispy ones right.
Pirates are still around and can never be "capture". But price wise I dont know coz tarak "Pong Chan". No time kakaka
*Pengsan* aircond pasar malam? that will be the day.
Mamarazzi also dun like the thick apam balik. Prefer thin ones as more crunchy
See...I managed to get to you exercise. No need to eat spirulina oat. kekeke
High 5!
Yikes! once a year only? *Pengsan*
OOoo..but this coconut apam balik not weekly have. They alternate it with Apom. So two weeks once they varu sell this coconut apam balik
Ya..have to leave the kid in the car with hubi coz if bring him along, end up coming home empty handed
Mommy Ling
wokay next time I'll tumpang u buy barang kekekeke
Boey Joey
Ya lor...eating like a little piggy liao kakaka
nevermind can go to the biggest pasar malam in Taiwan. I heard their pasar malam there is fabulous!
Chee Yee
Very hard to find apam balik with coconut. So far I know two place only. You know anywhere else I can get this? Thanks
Got ah? near which part? At the makan area or in front of The Store?
Lenglui witch
Normal around 60sen to 80 sen. These 90sens. Maybe coz the coconut gua
I think Dylan would enjoy it. But have to bring him before the sunset la else it would be too crowded.
From 2 to 82 is it kakakaka
Nice to walk walk around pasar malam if got kaki. Me and my collegues used to go pasar malam after OT
you are sooooo right. Mamarazzi real "Tham sik" one kakaka
Chloe Mommy
Really lor. Eat chap palang things can be full. The Fried keow teow..popiah...fried carrot cake.....
Apam balik so expensive already now. Looks so yummy...small kucing really know how to eat. :)
i love going to pasar malam too, because of the vast varities of snacks and food.. but most of the time, i am being too "ambitious" and ended up very bloated.. hahaha :D
Mummy Gwen
Ya lor everything also naik harga
wakakaka..bloated pineapple from pasar malam and eat lor...good for digestion kekekeke
errmm......the apam balik stall opps the otak - otak stall (i think only 1 otak -otak stall). That was like 4-5 years ago la. Now, not sure got changes or not since I left sri petaling so long already. hehe try your luck ok.
Me too. Not too sure of the layout already since long time havent jalan that pasar malam.
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