Then we stopped at Kijal to buy some of the delicious Lemang. Wow..the vendors there very patriotic. Jalur Gemilang was flying up high.

After that, Uncle Wan and Auntie Woo belanja us makan at their local hang out. Restaurant Tong Cheng. Only locals knows this place. Food is good and price reasonable.
Wah...so big plate of rice. After I makan-ed, I tidur-ed most of the way. But not tidur like the Little Girl in Enid Blyton's story.
It was said that long time ago there was this little girl who lived in Capernaum. Her father, Jaipur, loves her very much, just like Papa loves me.
One day she fell ill and the doctors all said no hope for her. But her papa won't give up. People told him about Jesus. Jaipur went to look for Jesus but Jesus was away.
As Jesus came back,Jaipur quickily knee down and begged Jesus to help his daughter. Jesus went with him to his house lo. Haiz...mana tau before reaching his house, a messenger came and told him that his daughter had gone.
He was heart broken but Jesus told him not to be afraid. He have to believe.
They reached the house people were crying and wailing. Jesus hushed them and said that the girl is just sleeping. So Jesus said to the girl "Little Maid, I said unto you arise"
The little girl woke up. Jaipur was very happy as he went to Jesus when he was sad. And because he believed, his daughter was saved.
Rattan is rather lasting.
Yup very lasting. Just nice for me as am very "Ganas"
yeah, when u believed, u r saved! :)
Wah..makan again in the car. So shiok.
Must ask Auntie Cleff... She macam never sleep punya orang! LOL!!! Wah! So nice...go here, go there...got people belanja makan.
Isaac looked very cute oso..
i also love tau sar pau.. can share with auntie claire? :)
gime the tofu!!! gime!!!
True :D
Mummy Gwen
Long journey mah...so hungry lo
ask auntie cleff what
yalo hahahaha cute boy
Auntie Claire
Still have 3 biji in the fridge hahaha
Too late...:P
Read the book...so she will sleep like the little girl... Hehehehe!
The lil boy very cute oohhh...
Yea..the foods really look good.
*pengsan* This Cikgu... hahaha... i got sleep la... when I feel like sleeping... LOLOL!
yikes....like that i must ask for her autograph fast fast. Will appreciate in value when she goes to "sleep" like the little girl
Mommy Ling
Isaac cute eh...feel like Cubitttt
Auntie Cleff
Papa also thought you dont sleep one
wow you are practising your pino play nice!
the Bedtime Stories And Prayers By Enid Blyton is available here in Malaysia?
Copycat at Isaac only. Isaac should be expert.
Mamarazzi bought it more than 20 years ago in Nationwide bookstore, KL. Now close shop already. Maybe it's available in MPH or what
Actually kan... you just ask mamarazzi to feed Auntie Cleff with pulut, confirm she sleep like ular punya lepas makan LOL!
Auntie cleff
u want poison pulut again ist? next round meet up i will ask Mamarazzi make la
Yiu Yiu loves tau sar pau too. Been eating that everyday for her breakfast this past week of school holiday :-)
The Sri jaya Tau Sar Pau real nice. Fluffy and a lot of inti. It's not that sweet too
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