So nice...I also loved swimming when I was young, now old liao...too fat. Aiyor...ur papa jumped in, half the water in the pool overflowed liao...and if I jump in together, habis - the pool kering!!! Muahahahahaha!!!!
Ha..small kucing looks so hot in ur swim pant. Must remember to ask ur daddy and mommy to bring you for swimming often. It helps to cool down your body heat. .
Inherited the title "Smallkucing" from Mamarazzi who initially started this blog without any aim and direction till I came along.
Now I am Small Kucing who loves to go gai-gai be it for warehouse sale chasing, makan-ing or sight seeing.
Caution : You might come across occasional mad ranting by Mamarazzi.
Any food/restaurant or book reviews in this blog is OUR OWN PERSONAL COMMENTS AND MAY NOT REPRESENT THE TRUTH.
She was a fairy princess condemned to forget him for all eternity and was sent to Earth to live the life of a mortal woman, with no memories of him.
He was a devil king who fell helplessly in love with her, and followed her to Earth to reclaim her all over again.
Can love transcend dimensions and memories? Astrea and Narcissus returns in Masquerade for more adventure , romance and passion
good good... swim more, nesxt time become hot sexy swimmer boy...
Next time ask mama to buy a kucing tube for you.. to keep afloat.. :)
Wuits...ada gaya with the swimming trunk
Joshua grown up so much!
So nice to swim during such hot weather. Y mummy did not buy you any cute floats?
Swimming is good for kids!
ohhh ok oredi wor...can access oredi haha
I thought cats didn't like water? hehe.. looks like fun.. my kids just swim in front of our house.. Small plastic pool ;)
haha, grown up already, so must proceed to the adult pool now.. :p
Ya, ask mamarazzi to buy you a cute floatie. Then you will surely play until don't want to leave hehe! (like Chloe jie-jie)
Sure smallkucing went swimming or just playing water?? hahaha..
Get him a float lah Mummy. The pool is very big and nice. I'm also lazy to bring Gwen to the pool..hehe.
Smallkucing growing taller and taller liao! :)
Very scary in the big pool even with Papa. Got to take things slowly and carefully.
Swimming is good exercise! How come papa is not wearing proper swimming attire? :p
So nice...I also loved swimming when I was young, now old liao...too fat. Aiyor...ur papa jumped in, half the water in the pool overflowed liao...and if I jump in together, habis - the pool kering!!! Muahahahahaha!!!!
Medie007 those Japanese posters boys :p
Got the Banana boat float but the kucing didnt wanna use :(
Mommy Ling
Ada gaya tarak action :p
I have float but I refused to use ..Kena Mamarazzi scold
Ya loh...but Mamarazzi lazy to bring me swimming :(
Thank goodness :D
This one loves water :P
but still scared scared wor in the adult pool
Chloe's Mommy
Mamarazzi very lazy to bring me to the pool punya. Only Papa brings. I have float but I dont like using that.
Learning learning now
Mummy Gwen
Have a float but i dont like to use the float..not macho :(
Lenglui Witych
Yup sprung up like a small tree
Yup will do that. Mamarazzi dare not bring me to the pool coz she cant swim
Chee Yee
Papa shy to show his 6 in 1 muscles lol
That wouild be a blogable material if Papa and you jump into the pool together :P
Ha..small kucing looks so hot in ur swim pant.
Must remember to ask ur daddy and mommy to bring you for swimming often. It helps to cool down your body heat.
he's really tall! haha,why suddenly go swimming geh
Our place have swimming pool but Mamarazzi always lazy to bring me there. Say to hot la..then say too cold la...tis la that la
Shenny's Mommy
Mamarazzi very bad punya...Lazy to bring me go swimming
I notice Joshua's belly is not so kembung. My Juan Or's one is still very kembung woh, don't know it is becos got worms ah? :-D
Dont think so got worms la. But you can check with the Pead.
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