Why? coz this bazaar have Mamarazzi's favourite Grill Fish and Nasi Minyak.
There is one stall selling Grill Fish here that is very "laris". Long queue. Pity the rest of the Grill Fish seller nearby. All "swatting flies" coz most of the business gone to this stall.The price this year is similar to last year. Taste of the sambal was great!
This bazaar have a large variety of "kuih-muih". Even have Tapai and Pulut Panggang. Hmm...do we have it here in KL?
Anyway, sad to say this year the quality of the Nasi Minyak at the stall that Mamarazzi usually buy have dropped. No photos of it here. The cili sos was spoilt and the rice half cooked.

There are more photos coming soon tomorrow.
pulut panggang!! my favorite!!!!
Food again...It makes me feel hungry.
Never been to Kelantan and Trengganu... A friend just came back - the brother of the blogger-friend who invited me to dinner...and he was full of praises of the food...and loved the Thai influence. I wish I could go some day... I've always wanted the brass kuali from Trengganu...like Chef Wan's. Hehehehehe!!!
i see the kuih muih look great there....much better than KL.
Wah, eat like that small kucing will soon become fat kucing!
In another week or so, no more ramadan bazaar so.. better queue up and buy more.. over here in ipoh, no need q.. maybe not so nice..
Purposely balik kampung during the fasting month to visit this ramadan bazaar is it? Good also, a long weekend well-spent :)
Mmm... love grill fish too.
the grilled fish are sting ray? looks yummy!
Angel Bear
Can be found there ...pricey oh
LOL....food again lo :D
Brass Kuali?
Mommy Ling
But most are quite sweet
already have a big tummy :p
KL also not nice. Bght ikan Bakar at the Sect 14 Bazaar before. Ish...got mud smell punya :(
YumYum!Kuih muih! My favorite too!
wa.i very long din eat that kind of fish! soooo yummy lehhh..hungry again..haih><
Wah... Mamarazzi and Smallkucing on rampage... beli so many barang...can finish ah?
ps: Mamarazzi, I think Cikgu is hinting for a kuali for Xmas!
actually come to think about it, i have only bought something from the bazaar ramadhan ONCE so far for this year!! can't believe it~~
Chloe Mommy
No la...coz wanna see Ah Long Ah Mah and the baby lor
Boey Joey
and the sambal was real good...sambalicious.
yes, it was stingray. That one rm5-rm6.
But Mamarazzi bought Siakap. Also taste very good
Wai Kitt
Come...we got there borong :P
Pregnant again ke ? :p
Auntie Cleff
Papa is around sure can finish one :p
Kuali...woi..ppl say not good give kuali la..."Wok" in chinese similar sound like "Trouble"
This year Ramandan Bazaar not that attractive anymore. Very pricey and the food quality is below expectation.
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