This is a very late post.

We told Auntie Little Bird about this restaurant. And on a spurn of the moment, we made a decision to give it another chance.
Gosh! I hope this round the service will be good. If not, the Little Bird will turn into Burung Garuda and eat me up.

Top right : Kam Heong Sotong. Auntie Little Bird love the gravy very much
Bottom left : Nyonya Style Talapia Fish. Portion a bit too big for us.
Bottom right : Steamed Crab. Very fresh and yummy

Top Right : Appetizer. Pickled Papaya. Super yummy
Bottom Lef : Claypot Taufu. Taste so-so only
Bottom right : Hokkien Mee. Does not suit our taste.

I would love those pickled papaya.
*glare* Wud burung garuda???? *PENGSAN*
Yea... Auntie agree... the kamheong sotong damn nice... it's to die for. Hahahaha!
You mean the skinny bird? Muahahahaha!!! Wah! So much food! How many people eating that? If she ate all that, she would turn into Big Bird already lor...or Miss Piggy! LOL!!!
Yin Her, Yin Her... sounds so familiar.. heard someone wanted to take me there the other day.. sigh... too bad didnt materialize.. some other time perhaps!
yummy..the kam heong sotong looks nice~!
I am speechless here, how can it be the first time impeccable and sencond time no good, may be they don't keep the service level as good as they should be,,,
you know something everytime i see small kuching's pictures, i can see that he is one happy boy, and that's the best parent can do for him,, happiness given.
you take care now and have a great week ahead ya and god bless
wow, three times patronising the same restaurant and almost ordering the same food, must be good.. and didn't know they got such a nice view leh..
Pickled papaya and pickled mango ..yummy
Auntie Cleff
scary burung garuda
Four adults and two kids lo. She turned into a python. Curled up and snooze :p
I wonder who ah LOL
ANgel Bear
Kam Heong Lala also not bad
Aikkss...I'm hungry :(
Don't know why. The 2nd time the crabs took 1 whole hour also never arrive. Asked the waitress , all say will check but no action. Then ask to add hot water to the teapot, the waitress give hand signal "talk to the hand" and never come and refill
Kepunan lo...told the little bird about the sotong. she also kepunan lo. So decided to give them another chance
little bird eat little worm lah...
Lunch time!!!
This little bird doesnt eat worm la. U give her "Chuk Tan" she vomit
Wow 3 times going to the same restaurant! I guess it must be really good eh? Too bad it's too far from my place!
Thin ppl sure can eat~ And the best thing is they dun get fat.
the kam heong sotong looked so yummy... and the prickle papayas must be very appetizing.
Lenglui Witch
If ever comes to this part of the kampung then it's worth going. Bet you can snap lovely photos since your skin is much better than Mamarazzi's
The only danger is when thin people fall sick
Don't know wor coz the Garuda wallopped nearly whole plate full of the pickle LOL
Burung Garuda....nice. I slaughter and cook curry...ahhhahhaha
Hi SK, long ago back in the 60s, early 70s nobody wanted to go to Sg Buloh, I guess you know why. Let alone buy homes there.
We used to go buy plants there, very cheap too.
I guess from your posting, things must have changed a lot now.
12 years ago we balek kampong, I was in my friend's car and enquired where 'Jalan Ampang'? He laughed, "Lee, we are on Jalan Anpang"!
Same too with PJ, Subang Jaya, places I stayed, and beyond my recognition, 12 years ago.
Today? I think I need a tourist guide, ha ha.
Have a nice day, Lee.
@Cikgu... o.O Jahat betul... LOL! Dun worry, not yet become Pork Chop. Hahahahahah...put on a few extra grams... shud be no problem for me la...hahahahaha.
@Smallkucing, dun nid sked the burung garuda la... that burung garuda very guai wan...wun makan u... feed u dan neh noh and kikisi oni. So... next round wan kikisi anot? LOLOL!
Mommy Ling
wah you so fierce one wont slaughter cat one hor.....:p
Uncle Lee
No more lepers in Sg Buloh. Changed a lot already. There are hypermarket and an upcoming college. A lot of housing area also
Auntie Cleff
Kikisi Dan neh noh playland
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