Last week we "balik kampung" again.
Really had loads of fun playing with my cousins.
Playing with Ah Kong.

Playing and trying to "dismantle" Ah Kong's new Massage Chair.
Checking out Ah Kong's plants. Ah Kong not only good at planting flowers but also all sorts of edible plants. Top left hand corner, is the flower of the Daun Raja plant. A type of ulam. He also have pepper plant.

Very colourful
cili plant.

Also visited the Chinese Temple which had caught fire during
CNY this year. The main building have been closed. Now operating at a temporary building next to the main one.

Saw a few people "morning walk" up a hill. Papa said on top of the hill was one of K.
Trengganu most famous hotel in the 70s.
Went and "kaypoh" there. I wonder Uncle Lee remember this hotel or not. Nice view from the hill top.

But the nicest view of all is the new bundle of joy.
Born a day after we arrived.
hrm...white chilies...if masak dengan ikan masin + belacan...fuh......telinga pun terbang woooo.....yummy...
omg. dismantle it???
so notti haha
Angel Bear
Dont know what cili is that but super hot one. Mamarazzi beh tahan the spiciness.
haiz...cabut ot the remote control..then the "dashbaord" he do like he is driving F1 car..*pengsan*
Wow...nice leh the shabu much per person...buffet style or come in a set ? :)
Kathy...much do they charge for this steamboat...buffet style ? :) looks nice with individual pot. I prefer it to have individual pot..haha for hygeine sake * wink
wah if ah kong reads the blog, sure very happy
This Ah Kong papa or mama side? No photo kah? Then can see looks like who? Aiyor...Faisal, you see the muka, you know already one! This memang budak nakal... Muahahahaha! much fun there! u so early balik-ed kampong ah, small kucing. beat the jam, is it? good idea too!
K.T ar?
Nice to visit ah kong eh~ did you eat kelopok lekor?
I bet Ah Kong will be happy to see the ever so lovely grandson, lol.
Your ah kong so clever.. so many nice and pretty plants! oh can I sit on the massage chair also?? Muscle ache! LOL!
balik kampung alot of things to discover and try and eat!!! great fun for the kiddo!
Jauhnya your kampung. many types of cili padi one.
ahaha...looks like smallkucing had loads of fun.. best kan balik kampung? :)
MY LATEST ENTRY: Merdeka! Happy birthday sayang
Ooooo... the baby looks like smallkucing when smallkucing still very very small!
haha! boy is always like that. that's what we called creative! :)
btw, i love cili padi! yummy!
It's RM31-80 per person. Come in the form of buffet. Not per set
Ah Kong busy jaga new born baby lor :D
Ah Kong from Papa side . Special appearance at this post
beat the jam and see the baby lo
Pandai :p
of course eat Keropok lekor and many other stuffs too :D
Ah Kong very happy to see one more newborn grandson leh :D
Lenglui Witch
Muscle ache? must have been shopping too much
ya lor..kept makan and makan alot
Mummy Gwen
Jauh but lucky along the way there are many place to stop and rest
Ya loads of fun
Auntie cleff
Tabik!...Mamarazzi dare not eat that cili padi. Super hot. The normal ones are okay
balik kampung cari ahkong, rhymes lah, u read too much books lah! hahaha... jes kidding, looks like smallkucing having a blast
hahaha ya lor been reading too much. So many books review yet to post. haiz
The baby have big nose, must be a future millionaire ^^
firstly...i am very sorry for my late reply and my late dissapearance as i am away for my holiday and tied up with my work.
wah...beautiful celebration....nice to balik kampung all the kampung life a lot.
Hi SK, Holy Smoke! You sure nudged my memories of Trengganu.
I have always loved Trengganu....and especially Tanjong Jra Resort hotel.
I must have stayed there more than 15 times those years, as well Primula hotel downtown.
And love the nasi dangang there....used to frequent a shop next to the river, beside that big market....still remember it's lovely iced coffee.
Love your pics here.....and yes....I remember very not to, *wink*, when very often I had ahemm a friend with me to enjoy the beautiful moonlight nights there, not to mention seeing 2 moons, ha ha ha.
I still have lots of pics taken there too.
Thanks for the memories, you have a great week, Lee.
cute baby!!
so lucky you arrive one day earlier before the baby's grand entrance!
ah kong must be super happy to see small kucing, and the new baby!
Ya lo...hope so :D
Thanks for dropping by. Ya lor...saw your blog. Seems you are zooming to everywhere hahaha...
It was a pleasent balik kampung trip. Makan all the way:D
Uncle Lee
Primula is still standing :D But now there are many more Hotels there.
Sad to say that you may not be able to find your Nasi Dagang shop there anymore.
A lot of the shop along the big pasar have been demolished.
The Baby supposed to come earlier but refused wor...wanna stay in the tum tum longer :P
You papa's kampung is so nice! So much to see, do and eat! And what a perfect timing, to catch the birth of a new baby.
Chloe's Mummy
Ya lo eat and eat and eat lol
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